Safe wins Rep. Bill Keating’s 2023 Congressional App Challenge in Massachusetts’s Ninth District

Rep. Keating has named Isa Murray of NuVu Studios and Mark Music of Lincoln School as the winners of the 2023 Congressional App Challenge in Massachusetts’s Ninth District.

When asked what inspired the creation of Safe, the students said, “The genesis of Safe was deeply rooted in the aftermath of Marco’s untimely death‚ a loss that was not only personal but also a stark reminder of the countless violent acts that go unrecorded and unaddressed, leaving stories untold and calls for help unanswered. The harrowing realization that Marco’s fate could have been anyone’s, including my own, ignited a sense of urgency to create a tool that could serve as both a witness and a guardian.

Marco’s story underscored a painful truth: without evidence, calls for justice often fall silent. Safe was envisioned as a solution to this pervasive issue. Its purpose extends beyond personal safety; it is about documenting the truth in the face of injustice. By recording incidents as they happen, Safe aims to provide undeniable proof of wrongdoing, which can be crucial in seeking justice and preventing future violence.

The philosophy underpinning Safe is the belief that exposure can lead to prevention. By shedding light on the reality of these incidents, Safe can help galvanize community support, influence policy changes, and encourage societal shifts towards intolerance of violence. The application is designed to be a powerful ally in the fight against the unseen and unheard injustices that occur daily.

The “why” of Safe is deeply intertwined with Marco’s legacy– it is about transforming a narrative of victimhood into one of empowerment and action. It is about ensuring that the truth is seen and heard, and that no one else’s story is left untold. This is a commitment to turning personal tragedy into a communal stronghold against violence, where every recorded moment has the potential to contribute to a larger discourse on safety and justice.

Safe is a testament to the power of technology to not only connect us but to serve as a tool for change. It’s a symbol of hope and a means of defense, built on the foundation of a shared human experience– our collective desire for a safer, more just world. As we move forward with the development and launch of Safe, we do so with a clear vision: to create a world where violence cannot hide in the shadows, and where every individual has the power to bring their story into the light.”

This year’s Challenge saw an unprecedented level of participation, with 374 Members of the House of Representatives hosting competitions, surpassing the previous record of 340. A remarkable 11,334 students from across the United States competed in this year’s Challenge, marking an impressive increase of nearly 1,000 participants compared to the previous record set in 2019. The enthusiasm and creativity these students display is a testament to the growing interest in technology and signal a bright future for American innovation. The surge of ingenuity continued with a whopping 3,645 original applications flooding in, nearly a thousand more than the previous year’s high. This remarkable growth showcases the exceptional talent and innovation within our nation’s youth.

The Congressional App Challenge is an official initiative of the U.S. House of Representatives, where Members of Congress host contests in their districts for middle school and high school students, encouraging them to learn to code and inspiring them to pursue careers in computer science. This resounding show of bipartisan support emphasizes the critical importance of STEM education in today’s rapidly evolving world. Each participating Member of Congress selects a winning app from their district, and each winning team is invited to showcase their winning app to Congress during our annual #HouseOfCode festival. The program is a public-private partnership made possible through funding from Omidyar Network, AWS, Rise, theCoderSchool, Apple, and others.

The 2024 Congressional App Challenge will launch in May of 2024, and eligible students can pre-register for the competition now.